1098 "Open with &default viewer" = "Odpri s privzetim pregledovalnikom"
1099 "&Run application" = "Za₧eni program"
1297 "&Application:" = "Program:"
1006 "Brow&se..." = "Brskaj..."
1140 "Param&eters:" = "Parametri:"
111 "Profiles" = "Profili"
1291 "&Profiles" = "Profili"
1130 "&New..." = "Nov..."
1012 "&Copy..." = "Kopiraj..."
1182 "&Rename..." = "Preimenuj..."
1013 "&Delete" = "IzbriÜi"
1014 "&Set active" = "Privzemi"
1149 "Profile settings &override paper settings from printing applications" = "Nastavitve v profilu imajo prednost pred nastavitvami strani v programu"
1292 "When activating a different profile:" = "Pri aktiviranju drugega profila:"
1132 "As&k me what to do" = "Zahtevaj potrditev"
1133 "Au&tomatically save changes to the current profile" = "Samodejno shrani spremembe trenutnega profila"
112 "Compression" = "Kompresija"
1141 "Text and graphics" = "Tekst in slike"
1010 "E&nable compression" = "Uporabi kompresijo"
1142 "&Method:" = "NaΦin:"
1144 "High color images" = "Barvne slike"
1082 "Ena&ble compression" = "Uporabi kompresijo"
1298 "Me&thod:" = "NaΦin:"
1146 "Indexed and monochrome images" = "Indeksirane in ╚rno-bele slike"
1335 "The product is already registered. If you received a different registration key fill this new information in the fields below exactly as they appear in the instructions you received and press OK.You can copy/paste the information if you wish" = "Program je ₧e registriran. ╚e ste prejeli nov uporabniÜki kljuΦ ga vnesite v spodnje polje in pritisnite tipko OK. Pazite na izgled uporabniÜkega kljuΦa. ╚e ₧elite lahko uporabite funkcijo Kopiraj/Prilepi"
1337 "If you paid the license fee and received a registration name and key please fill this information in the fields below exactly as they appear in the instructions you received and press OK. You can copy/paste the information if you wish" = "╚e ste plaΦali licenco ter prejeli uporabniÜko ime in kljuΦ vnesite podatke v spodnja polja in pritisnite tipko OK. ╚e ₧elite lahko uporabite funkcijo Kopiraj/Prilepi"
2311 "Browse for a destination folder for your PDF files" = "Izberite mapo kamor ₧elite shraniti VaÜe PDF datoteke"
2312 "Save PDF File As" = "Shrani PDF datoteko kot"
2313 "Your registration key has %1!d! licenses. You installed %2!s! on more computers. Please uninstall from %3!d! computers" = "VaÜ uporabniÜki kljuΦ ima na voljo %1!d! licenc. Na druge raΦunalnike ste jih namestili ₧e %2!s!. Odstranite %3!d! z drugih raΦunalnikov"
2314 "&Quality:" = "Kvaliteta:"
2315 "Q&uality:" = "Kvaliteta:"
2316 "Qu&ality:" = "Kvaliteta:"
2317 "&Level:" = "Stopnja:"
2318 "L&evel:" = "Stopnja:"
2319 "Le&vel:" = "Stopnja:"
2320 "Minimum" = "Minimalna"
2321 "Low" = "Nizka"
2322 "Medium" = "Srednja"
2323 "High" = "Visoka"
2324 "Maximum" = "Maksimalna"
2325 "Fastest" = "Hitro"
2326 "Normal" = "Normalno"
2327 "Maximum" = "Maksimalno"
2328 "Page number should be between 1 and 999" = "ètevilka strani mora biti med 1 in 999"
2329 "Document" = "Dokument"
2331 "You already used all licenses available from your registration. Please remove unused computers from the licensed computers list or buy additional licenses" = "Porabili ste ₧e vse licence, ki so Vam bile dodeljene. Odstranite raΦunalnik, ki ga ne rabite s spiska licenciranih raΦunalnikov ali kupite dodatne licence"
2332 "The computer (%s) is already in the licensed computers list" = "RaΦunalnik se ₧e nahaja na spisku licenciranih raΦunalnikov"
2333 "Are you sure you want to remove the selected computer (%s) from licensed computers list?" = "Ali ste prepriΦani, da ₧elite odstraniti izbrani raΦunalnik s spiska licenciranih raΦunalnikov"
2336 "Rename Computer" = "Preimenuj raΦunalnik"
2338 "Computer name (&DNS):" = "Ime raΦunalnika (DNS):"
2339 "Computer name (Net&BIOS):" = "Ime raΦunalnika (NetBIOS):"
2340 "Licenses" = "Licence"
2341 "You chose to use NetBIOS names. Please check that all computers in the licensed computers list have correct NetBIOS names" = "Uporabljate NetBIOS naslove. Preverite, da imajo vsi raΦunalniki na spisku licenciranih raΦunalnikov pravilne NetBIOS naslove"
2359 "You cannot define more custom forms because you reached the maximum allowed form number. Please delete unused forms" = "Ne morete dodati novih formatov, ker ste presegli dovoljeno Ütevilo formatov. IzbriÜite formate, ki jih ne uporabljate"
2360 "Copy of %s" = "Kopija %s"
2361 "Please select a form to copy" = "Izberite format, ki ga boste kopirali"
2362 "Copy (%1!d!) of %2!s!" = "Kopija (%1!d!) od %2!s"
2364 "Are you sure you want to delete the selected form (%s)?" = "Res ₧elite izbrisati format (%s)"
2365 "The page width should be between 10 and 10000 millimeters" = "èirina strani je lahko med 10 in 10000 milimetrov"
2366 "The page height should be between 10 and 10000 millimeters" = "ViÜina strani je lahko med 10 in 10000 milimetrov"
2367 "You did not specify a name for the form. Form names cannot be empty" = "VpiÜite ime formata. Ime formata ne more ostati prazno"
2368 "A form with this name (%s) already exists. Please specify a different name" = "Format z tem imenom (%s) ₧e obstaja. Izberite drugo ime"
2370 "Margins and Zoom" = "Robovi in PoveΦava"
2371 "The sum of the left and right margins cannot exceed 2/3 of the page width. The margins will be adjusted automatically" = "Vsota levega in desnega roba ne sme prekoraΦiti 2/3 Üirine strani. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2372 "The sum of the top and bottom margins cannot exceed 2/3 of page height. The margins will be adjusted automatically" = "Vsota zgornjega in spodnjega roba ne sme prekoraΦiti 2/3 viÜine strani. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2373 "Zoom value should be between 1 and 400. It will be adjusted automatically" = "PoveΦava je lahko med 1 in 400. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2374 "The left origin should be increased so at least 1/3 of the page will be drawn. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Levo izhodiÜΦe je potrebno poveΦati, tako da bo vidna vsaj 1/3 strani. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2375 "The left origin should be decreased so at least 1/3 of the page will be drawn. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Levo izhodiÜΦe je potrebno zmanjÜati, tako da bo vidna vsaj 1/3 strani. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2376 "The top origin should be increased so at least 1/3 of the page will be drawn. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Zgornje izhodiÜΦe je potrebno poveΦati, tako da bo vidna vsaj 1/3 strani. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2377 "The top origin should be decreased so at least 1/3 of the page will be drawn. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Zgornje izhodiÜΦe je potrebno zmanjÜati, tako da bo vidna vsaj 1/3 strani. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2378 "Page margins, zoom and origin are not valid for the new page size. Do you wish to continue and revert these properties to default values?" = "Robovi strani, poveΦava in izhodiÜΦe ne ustrezajo izbranemu papirju. Ali ₧elite povrniti nastavitve na prednastavljene vrednosti"
2379 "Scale value should be between 1 and 400. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Velikost je lahko med 1 in 400. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2380 "Resolution should be between 50 and 2400. It will be adjusted automatically" = "LoΦljivost je lahko med 50 in 2400. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2381 "The page width should be between 10 and 10000 millimeters. It will be adjusted automatically" = "èirina strani je lahko med 10 in 10000 milimetrov"
2382 "The page height should be between 10 and 10000 millimeters. It will be adjusted automatically" = "ViÜina strani je lahko med 10 in 10000 milimetrov"
2383 "Page" = "Papir"
2385 "Copy of %s" = "Kopija %s"
2386 "Copy (%1!d!) of %2!s!" = "Kopija (%1!d!) od %2!s!"
2387 "There is already a profile with this name (%s). Please specify a different name" = "Profil s tem imenom (%s) ₧e obstaja. Izberite drugo ime"
2396 "Are you sure you want to delete selected profile (%s)?" = "Ali ste prepriΦani, da ₧elite izbrisati izbrani profil (%s)"
2397 "This profile (%s) is already the active profile" = "Profil (%s) je ₧e privzeti profil"
2398 "Save changes made to previous active profile (%s)?" = "Shrani spremembe v predhodnem privzetem profilu (%s)"
2400 "The user passwords do not match. Please retype password in both fields" = "Gesla se ne ujemata. Ponovno vpiÜite uporabnikovo geslo v oba polja"
2401 "The owner passwords do not match. Please retype password in both fields" = "Gesla se ne ujemata. Ponovno vpiÜite avtorjevo geslo v oba polja "
2402 "Security" = "Varnost"
2403 "Example:" = "Primer:"
2404 "The macro you entered is not valid" = "Makro, ki ste ga vnesli ni veljaven"
2405 "DocumentName" = "ImeDokumenta"
2406 "Prompt Save As dialog" = "Prika₧i Shrani kot okno"
2407 "Auto number new files" = "Samodejno oÜtevilΦi nove datoteke"
2408 "Append date and time" = "Prpipni datum in uro"
2409 "Overwrite" = "PrepiÜi"
2410 "Auto number existing files" = "Samodejno oÜtevilΦi obstojeΦe datoteke"
2411 "Registration name" = "UporabniÜko ime"
2412 "Registration key" = "UporabniÜki kljuΦ"
2413 "Number of licenses" = "ètevilo licenc"
2414 "Used licenses" = "Porabljene licence"
2416 "Unlimited number of licenses" = "Neomejeno Ütevilo licenc"
2421 "Not Registered" = "Neregistriran"
2422 "This is a printer client.\r\nPlease contact your administrator\r\nfor information about the registration" = "To je tiskarniÜki client.\r\nKontaktirajte sistemskega administratorja\r\nglede informacij o registraciji"
2423 "DEMO version for novaPDF SDK" = "DEMO razliΦica novaPDF SDK"
2424 "Licenses" = "Licence"
2425 "There was an error while reading the registration information. Please register again" = "PriÜlo je do napake pri registraciji. Prosim, da ponovno izvedete registracijo"
2428 "Register" = Registracija""
2429 "Please enter your registration name" = "Prosim vnesti uporabniÜko ime"
2430 "Please enter your registration key" = "Prosim vnesite uporabniÜki kljuΦ"
2431 "License key successfully registered" = "Licenca je uspeÜno registrirana"
2432 "The registration name or registration key you entered is invalid. Please retype or copy/paste the registration information again" = "UporabniÜko ime ali uporabniÜki kljuΦ, ki ste ga vnesli je neveljaven. Ponovno vnesite podatke ali uporabite funkcijo Kopiraj/Prilepi"
2433 "Version" = "RazliΦica"
2434 "Build" = "Build"
2435 "Registration expires in %d days" = "Registracija bo potekla Φez %d dni"
2437 "You chose to use DNS names. Please check that all computers in the licensed computers list have correct DNS names" = "Uporabljate DNS naslove. Preverite, da imajo vsi raΦunalniki na spisku licenciranih raΦunalnikov pravilne DNS naslove"
2438 "%s license" = "%s licenca"
2441 "You chose to send generated PDF files by email. Please open the Configure Email window and specify the email recipient address (To field)" = "Izbrali ste mo₧nost poÜiljanja PDF datotek preko elektronske poÜte. Odprite okno za nastavitev elektronske poÜte in vpiÜite naslov prejemnika v polje (Za)"
2442 "You chose to send generated PDF files by email. Please open the Configure Email window and specify the email sender address (From field)" = "Izbrali ste mo₧nost poÜiljanja PDF datotek preko elektronske poÜte. Odprite okno za nastavitev elektronske poÜte in vpiÜite naslov poÜiljatelja v polje (Od)"
2443 "You chose to send generated PDF files by email using SMTP. Please open the Configure SMTP window and specify the SMTP server" = "Izbrali ste mo₧nost poÜiljanja PDF datotek preko elektronske poÜte. Odprite okno za nastavitev SMTP in vnesite SMTP stre₧nik"
2444 "You chose to send generated PDF files by email using SMTP. Please open the Configure SMTP window and specify the SMTP port" = "Izbrali ste mo₧nost poÜiljanja PDF datotek preko elektronske poÜte. Odprite okno za nastavitev SMTP in vnesite SMTP vrata"
2445 "Email" = "Elektronska poÜta"
2446 "Because your SMTP server requires authentification, you should specify a valid user account and password" = "Ker vaÜ SMTP stre₧nik zahteva prijavo, vnesite veljavno uporabniÜko ime in geslo"
2449 "You chose to run an application after the PDF file is saved. Please specify the application name and path" = "Izbrali ste opcijo, ki vam omogoΦa zagon programa, ko je PDF datoteka narejena. Vnesite ime programa in zagonsko pot"
2450 "You chose to name the generated PDF files automatically. Please open the Configure Save Options window and specify a file name or macro" = "Izbrali ste samodejno generiranje imen PDF datotek. Odprite okno za nastavitev mo₧nosti Shranjevanja in doloΦite ime datoteke ali makro"
2451 "&Profile name:" = "Ime profila:"
2452 "Rename computer (%s) to (&DNS):" = "Preimenuj raΦunalnik (%s) v (DNS):"
2453 "Rename computer (%s) to (Net&BIOS):" = "Preimenuj raΦunalnik (%s) v (NatBIOS):"
2456 "Translator: Softland\r\nWebsite: www.novapdf.com" = "Translator: M. Rogic\r\nEmail:mrogic@gmail.com"
2462 "You have installed and registered the same registration key on %1!d! computers. You are allowed to use this registration key only on one computer. Please uninstall from %2!d! computers" = "Isti uporabniÜki kljuΦ ste ₧e uporabili pri registraciji na %1!d! raΦunalniku. Ta uporabniÜki kljuΦ lahko uporabite samo na enem raΦunalniku. Prosim odstranite %2!d! z raΦunalnika"
144 "Configure Save Options" = "Nastavi mo₧nosti Shranjevanja"
1347 "A&llow multiline bookmarks" = "Dovoli uporabo veΦvrstiΦnih opomb"
1348 "&Match bookmarks regardless of level" = "Primerjaj opombe ne glede na raven"
1355 "&Bookmarks" = "Opombe"
1351 "&Add..." = "Dodaj..."
1353 "&Edit..." = "Uredi..."
1354 "&Remove" = "Odstrani"
1378 "&Use levels:" = "Uporabi ravni:"
1394 "&Open to level:" = "Odpri do ravni:"
1417 "Ne&w" = "Nov"
1418 "&Copy" = "Kopiraj"
1419 "&Delete" = "IzbriÜi"
1358 "Detection options" = "Mo₧nosti Zaznavanja"
1359 "&Font:" = "Pisava:"
1363 "Si&ze:" = "Velikost:"
1360 "St&yle:" = "Slog:"
1361 "&Bold" = "Krepko"
1362 "&Italic" = "PoÜevno"
1365 "Colo&r:" = "Barva:"
1396 "C&hoose" = "Izberi"
1409 "&Enabled" = "VkljuΦi"
1368 "Display options" = "Mo₧nosti Prikaza"
1369 "Style:" = "Slog:"
1370 "B&old" = "Krepko"
1371 "I&talic" = "PoÜevno"
1372 "Color:" = "Barva:"
1395 "Choo&se" = "Izberi"
1420 "Detection preview" = "Predogled Zaznavanja"
1399 "Profile type" = "Vrsta profila"
1400 "P&ublic" = "Javni"
1401 "P&rivate" = "Osebni"
1416 "&Set as active profile" = "Privzemi profil"
2537 "Description" = "Opis"
2538 "(not enabled)" = "(onemogoΦen)"
2539 "%d definitions (%d not enabled)" = "%d definicije (%d niso vkljuΦene)"
2461 "Name" = "Ime"
2463 "You cannot use %s %s as a shared network printer. Please install the Server edition" = "%s %s ni mogoΦe uporabiti kot mre₧ni tiskalnik v skupni rabi. Namestite mre₧no razliΦico"
2473 "Are you sure you want to remove the selected bookmark (Heading%d)?" = "Ali ste prepriΦani, da ₧elite odstraniti izbrano opombo (Naslov%d)?"
2474 "One of the bookmarks (Heading%d) will be reindexed" = "Ena od opomb (Naslov%d) bo preÜtevilΦena"
2475 "Some bookmarks (Heading%d - Heading%d) will be reindexed" = "Nekatere od opomb (Naslov%d - Naslov%d) bodo preÜtevilΦene"
2477 "%s - &Definitions:" = "%s - Definicije:"
2478 "One of the definitions (Definition%d) will be reindexed" = "Ena od definicij (Definicija%d) bo preÜtevilΦena"
2479 "Some of the definitions (Definition%d - Definition%d) will be reindexed" = "Nekatere od definicij (Definicija%d - Definicija%d) bodo preÜtevilΦene"
2480 "Are you sure you want to delete the selected definition (Definition%d)?" = "Ali ste prepriΦani, da ₧elite odstraniti izbrano definicijo (Definicija%d)?"
2482 "Some definitions (%s) cannot be detected. Please check at least one detection option or disable/delete these definitions" = "Nekaterih definicij (%s) ni moΦ zaznati. Potrdite vsaj eno imed mo₧nosti zaznavanja ali onemogoΦite/izbriÜite te definicije"
2484 "Add Bookmark" = "Dodaj opombo"
2485 "Edit Bookmark" = "Uredi opombo"
2486 "Remove" = "Odstrani"
2487 "Heading" = "Naslov"
2488 "Definition" = "Definicija"
2489 "Some bookmarks (%s) can not be detected, because all definitions of the bookmarks in front of them (%s) are disabled. Please check Match bookmarks regardles of level or enable at least one definition per bookmark" = "Nekaterih opomb (%s) ni moΦ zaznati, ker so vse definicije opomb pred njimi (%s) izkljuΦene. Izberite opcijo Zaznaj opombe ne glede na raven ali vkljuΦite vsaj eno definicijo na opombo"
2490 "You chose to enable bookmark detection. Please define at least one bookmark or disable bookmark detection" = "Izbrali ste opcijo zaznavanja opomb. Nastavite vsaj eno definicijo ali pa izkljuΦite zaznavanje opomb"
2491 "All bookmark definitions are disabled. Please enable at least one definition to be able to detect bookmarks" = "Vse definicije opomb so izkljuΦene. VkljuΦite vsaj eno definicijo, Φe ₧elite zaznati opombe"
2492 "At least two used bookmarks have enabled definitions (%s) with the same detection options. Please delete, disable or modify these definitions, to get rid of duplicates" = "Vsaj dve uporabljeni opombi imata vkljuΦene definicije (%s) z istimi opcijami zaznavanja. IzbriÜite, izkljuΦite ali spremenite nastavitve definicij, da bi se izognili podvojitvam zaznavanja"
2493 "All definitions of the current bookmark (%s) are disabled. If you do not enable at least one definition, the bookmark will be ignored. Do you want to proceed?" = "Vse definicije trenutne opombe (%s) so izkljuΦene. ╚e ne boste vkljuΦili vsaj ene definicije, bodo opombe prezrte. Ali ₧elite nadaljevati?"
2494 "At least two enabled definitions (%s) of the current bookmark (%s) have the same detection options. Please delete, disable or modify these definitions, to get rid of duplicates" = "Vsaj dve vkljuΦeni definiciji (%s) trenutne opombe (%s) imajo izbrane iste opcije zaznavanja. IzbriÜite, izkljuΦite ali spremenite nastavitve definicij, da bi se izognili podvojitvam"
2496 "All used bookmarks have their definitions disabled. Please enable at least one definition for the used bookmarks or increase the Use level counter" = "Vse uporabljene opombe imajo izkljuΦene definicije. VkljuΦite vsaj eno definicijo, ki se nanaÜa na uporabljene opombeali poveΦajte vrednost ètevca ravni"
2497 "You cannot add more definitions because you reached the maximum allowed definition number. Please delete unused definitions" = "Ni mo₧no dodati novih definicij, ker ste dosegli maksimalno Ütevilo definicij. IzbriÜite definicije, ki niso v uporabi"
2498 "You cannot add more headings because you reached the maximum allowed heading number. Please remove unused headings" = "Ne morete dodati novih naslovov, ker ste dosegli maksimalno dovoljeno Ütevilo naslovov. Odstranite naslove, ki niso v uporabi"
2499 "At least two enabled definitions (%s) of the current bookmark (%s) overlap in size. Please modify sizes, delete or disable these definitions" = "Vsaj dve vkljuΦeni definiciji (%s) trenutne opombe (%s) se prekrivajo. Spremenite velikost, izbriÜite ali spremenite definicije"
2500 "At least two used bookmarks have enabled definitions (%s) wich overlap in size. Please modify sizes, delete or disable these definitions" = "Vsaj dve uporabljeni opombi imata vkljuΦene definicije (%s), ki se prekrivajo. Spremenite velikost, izbriÜite ali spremenite definicije"
2501 "Bookmarks" = "Opombe"
2502 "This dialog will be closed in %d seconds" = "To okno se bo zaprlo v (%s) sekundah"
2503 "The detection size margin should be between 0 and 16. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Meja zaznavanja mora biti med 0 in 16. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2504 "The detection size value should be between 1 and 1024. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Vrednost velikosti zaznavanja mora biti med 1 in 1024. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2505 "The number of levels should be between 1 and 9. It will be adjusted automatically" = "ètevilo stopenj mora biti med 1 in 9. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2506 "The Open to level value should be between 1 and the Use levels value. It will be adjusted automatically" = "Vrednost Odpri do stopnje mora biti med 1 in Uporabi stopnjo vrednostjo. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2507 "At least one enabled definition (%s) of the current bookmark (%s) is a subset of another one (%s). Please delete, disable or modify these definitions" = "Vsaj ena od vkljuΦenih definicij (%s) trenutne opombe (%s) je podvrsta druge (%s). IzbriÜite, izkljuΦite ali spremenite te definicije"
2508 "At least one used bookmark has one enabled definition (%s) which is a subset of another bookmark's enabled definition (%s). Please delete, disable or modify these definitions" = "Vsaj ena opomba ima vkljuΦeno eno definicijo (%s), ki je podvrsta definicije (%s) druge opombe. IzbriÜite, izkljuΦite ali spremenite te definicije"
2509 "New Private Profile" = "Nov Osebni Profil"
2510 "New Public Profile" = "Nov Javni Profil"
2512 "None of the predefined forms are visible. Please make at least one of them visible" = "Nobeden od prednastavljenih formatov ni viden. Nastavite vsaj enega, da bo viden"
2513 "The page width should be between 0.3937 and 393.7008 inches. It will be adjusted automatically" = "èirina strani mora biti med 0.3937 in 393.7008 inΦev. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2514 "The page height should be between 0.3937 and 393.7008 inches. It will be adjusted automatically" = "ViÜina strani mora biti med 0.3937 in 393.7008 inΦev. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2515 "The page width should be between 28.3465 and 283465 points. It will be adjusted automatically" = "èirina strani mora biti med 28.3465 in 283465 toΦkami. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2516 "The page height should be between 28.3465 and 283465 points. It will be adjusted automatically" = "ViÜina strani mora biti med 28.3465 in 283465 toΦkami. Nastavitev bo izvedena samodejno"
2517 "You cannot define more public profiles because you reached the maximum allowed number. Please delete unused public profiles" = "Ne morete definirati novih javnih profilov, ker ste dosegli maksimalno dovoljeno Ütevilo. IzbriÜite javne profile, ki niso v uporabi"
2518 "You cannot define more private profiles because you reached the maximum allowed number. Please delete unused private profiles" = "Ne morete definirati novih osebnih profilov, ker ste dosegli maksimalno dovoljeno Ütevilo. IzbriÜite osebne profile, ki niso v uporabi"
2521 "You cannot make any copies of the selected form (%s), because of name length restrictions. Please shorten the current form's name and try again" = "Ne morete narediti kopije izbranega formata (%s), zaradi omejitve dol₧ine imena. SkrajÜajte izbrano ime in poskusite znova"
5100 "The temporary PDF file could not be saved on the printer server. Please contact your administrator for more information" = "ZaΦasne PDF datoteke ni bilo moΦ shraniti tiskalniÜkem stre₧niku. Kontaktirajte sistemskega administratorja"
5101 "The license information could not be read on the printer server. Please contact your administrator for more information" = "Podatkov o licenci ni bilo moΦ prebrati s tiskalniÜkega stre₧nika. Kontaktirajte sistemskega administratorja"
5102 "The PDF file could not be saved on the printer server. Please contact your administrator for more information" = "PDF datoteke ni bilo moΦ shraniti na tiskalniÜki stre₧nik. Kontaktirajte sistemskega administratorja"
5103 "Your computer is not licensed to print to the server. Please contact your administrator for more information" = "VaÜ raΦunalnik nima dovoljenja za tiskanje na stre₧niku. Kontaktirajte sistemskega administratorja"
2531 "Save to Network option" = "Shrani v Omre₧je - mo₧nosti"
2532 "Create public profiles" = "Ustvari javni profil"
2533 "Language" = "Jezik"
2534 "About" = "O programu"
2536 "This printer was installed as part of another application. You can print\r\nto it without the Created with novaPDF... footer note only from that\r\napplication. If you want to print from another application too, you\r\nmust register" = "Ta tiskalnik je bil nameÜΦen kot del druge aplikacije. Tiskanje brez teksta v nogi, Created with novaPDF, je mogoΦe samo iz te iste aplikacije. ╚e ₧elite tiskati tudi iz drugih aplikacij se morate registrirati"
2540 "Code" = "Koda"
2541 "Feature" = "Mo₧nosti"
2542 "Enabled" = "VkljuΦen"
1441 "Allow changes to this profile" = "Dovoli spremembe profila"
2543 "You cannot use %s %s on Terminal Services. Please install the Server edition" = "%s %s ni mo₧no uporabiti na Terminal Services. Namestite mre₧no razliΦico"
5104 "The active profile (%s) could not be read from client computer. Please contact your administrator for more information" = "Aktivnega profila (%s) ni bilo mogoΦe prebrati z Client raΦunalnika. Kontaktirajte sistemskega administratorja"
2549 "Are you sure you want to reset the selected profile (%s) to match the server configuration?" = "Ali ste prepriΦani, da ₧elite izbrani profil (%s), ponastaviti tako, da bo enak nastavitvam stre₧nika"